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Bosch in the United Kingdom

Volunteering and Community

Echoing the charitable spirit of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, Bosch associates offer their own personal support to a whole host of projects throughout the UK.

Worcester Bosch Volunteering Activities

Worcester Bosch Volunteering Activities

Worcester Bosch celebrated their 60th anniversary in 2022 and as part of their anniversary year, associates volunteered their time with many charities including St Richards Hospice, Worcester Breast Haven, Hartlebury Castle and Grounds.

The Churn Project

The Churn Project

In May 2022, some of our interns over at Bosch Rexroth UK spent the day at The Churn Project in Cirencester. The project supports 1,900 people every year and aims to reduce social isolation and improve well-being. The interns volunteered for a ‘Men’s Shed Day’ where they painted a Scout Hut. The Scout Hut is used by The Churn Project as a place where like-minded people can come together to share skills and any worries.

Lindengate Charity

Lindengate Charity

On 31st May 2019, 20 Bosch associates from the Original Equipment (OE) division gathered to volunteer at a local charity. Lindengate is a mental health charity that offers specialised gardening activities to help those with mental health needs in their continuing recovery. The volunteer group spent the day clearing wild growth and created flower beds. The team worked very hard and within a few hours all weeds, wild plants and nettles had been cut down and dug out.

Robert Bosch

Everyone should work for the good of the whole.

Robert Bosch
The Chiltern Open Air Museum

The Chiltern Open Air Museum

In October 2017, Bosch associates from the UK Legal, Controlling and Communications teams spent the day volunteering at the . The museum was founded in 1976 with the purpose of re-erecting disused, historical buildings, so that they can be preserved and enjoyed by future generations. The museum hosts many school trips, providing an interactive educational environment for children to learn about a variety of subjects, including science, history and literacy.

The volunteer group provided support on various projects including making decorations for the annual Halloween event and clearing an overgrown woodland area.

Associates Clear Colne Valley Regional Park

Associates Clear Colne Valley Regional Park

¾Åɫ’s Head Office in Denham is situated within the Colne Valley Regional Park, an area rich in biodiversity and natural beauty. To celebrate the 125th anniversary of Bosch in the UK, a team of our associates followed the lead of our founder, Robert Bosch, and spent the day helping to clear the local Denham Quarry of an invasive plant species that was disrupting the natural composition of the landscape.

Associates committed to continued acts of kindness

Associates committed to continued acts of kindness

Since the success of last year’s 125 Acts of Kindness campaign, associates have not stopped supporting their local communities with fundraising efforts and volunteering. From Sporting activities to Donations, our associates have been continuing to give back.

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